ADB_INDE_0L2: Adobe InDesign CC Level 2
About this Course
Using Adobe® InDesign®, you have created simple documents. Now, you may need to create long documents that are attractive as well as can be accessed globally. In this course, you will deploy advanced InDesign techniques to enhance the look and functionality of your documents. You will use the advanced features of Adobe InDesign to create and design content for print and web.
Audience Profile
This course is for the basic InDesign user who wants to advance their InDesign skills to design and produce more complex, professional-looking documents for print and web.
At Course Completion
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have covered the following topics:
- Importing and modifying graphics
- Managing links to imported files
- Updating revised graphics
- Clipping paths
- Alpha channels
- Native Adobe graphics files
- Using a library
- Adobe Bridge
- Creating tables
- Table and cell styles
- Working with transparency and transparency effects
- Working with effects
- Preflight files
- Packaging a project
- Adobe PDF proofs
- Color separations
- The Ink Manager
- Creating rich interactive documents
- Adding buttons, page transitions and hyperlinks
- Adding advanced interactivity, animation and video
- Color management
- Synchronizing color settings for the creative suite applications
- Proofing colors onscreen
Lesson 1: Importing and Modifying Graphics
- Adding Graphics from Other Programs
- Comparing Vector and Bitmap Graphics
- Managing Links to Imported Files
- Updating Revised Graphics
- Adjusting Display Quality
- Working with Clipping Paths
- Working with Alpha Channels
- Importing Native Adobe Graphics Files
- Using a Library to Manage Objects
- Using Adobe Bridge to Import Graphics
Lesson 2: Creating Tables
- Converting Text to a Table
- Formatting a Table
- Creating a Header Row
- Adding Graphics to Table Cells
- Creating and Applying Table and Cell Styles
Lesson 3: Working with Transparency
- Importing and Colorizing a Grayscale Image
- Applying Transparency Settings
- Adding Transparency Effects to Imported Vector and Bitmap Graphics
- Importing and Adjusting Illustrator Files that Use Transparency
- Applying Transparency Settings to Text
- Working with Effects
Lesson 4: Printing and Exporting
- Preflighting Files
- Packaging Files
Lesson 5: Creating Adobe PDF Files with Form Fields
- Adding Form Fields
- Exporting an Interactive Adobe PDF File
Lesson 6: Creating and Exporting an EBook
- Completing the Booklet
- Choosing the Content of an EBook
- Adding Metadata
- Exporting an EPUB File
Before taking this course, you should complete the Adobe® InDesign® Level 1 course, or have equivalent knowledge.