AWS-DEVOPS: DevOps Engineering on AWS

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About this Course

In this course, you will learn the most common DevOps patterns to develop, deploy, and maintain applications on the AWS platform. We will explore the core principles of the DevOps methodology and examine a number of use cases applicable to startup, small- to medium-sized business, and enterprise development scenarios.

Audience Profile

System Administrators, Software Developers

At Course Completion


Lesson 1: DevOps and DevSecOps
Lesson 2: The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)
Lesson 3: Deployment strategies and developer tools
Lesson 4: Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Lesson 5: AWS developer tools
Lesson 6: Automated testing on AWS
Lesson 7: Configuration management
Lesson 8: Building AMIs and Amazon EC2 Systems Manager
Lesson 9: Containers: Docker and Amazon ECS


Systems Operations on AWS or Developing on AWS, working knowledge of one or more high-level programming languages, such as C#, Java, PHP, Ruby, or Python, intermediate knowledge of administering Linux or Windows systems at the command-line level.