TTCN2155: Intermediate C# | Patterns, Generics, Threading, Database, Entity Framework, UI & More

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About this Course

Developing Applications in C# and .Net Core (Intermediate C# / .Net Core) is a lab-intensive, hands-on course designed to provide you with the skills required to take your C# programming skills to the next level. Throughout the course you’ll explore C# Design Guidelines, Robust Classes, Generics, Lambda Expressions & LINQ, Reflection & Metadata, Resources & Globalization, Basics of Threading and the Basics of Database connectivity.

Audience Profile

This is an intermediate-level .Net programming course, designed for experienced C# developers

At Course Completion

Our engaging instructors and mentors are highly experienced practitioners who bring years of current "on-the-job" experience into every classroom. Working in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will learn to:

· Design and implement classes that adhere to SOLID design principles

· Understand common design patterns

· Implement robust classes with properties, methods, delegates & events

· Understand, use, and implement generics

· Explore generics in the .Net Framework

· Understand and use Language integrated Query (LiNQ)

· Understand and use Lambda expressions

· Build dynamic applications using reflection

· Use internationalization to build world friendly applications

· Build multithreaded applications

· Understand the basics of database access

· What’s new in .Net Core and C#?


1. Quick C# Basics Refresher

2. Design Guidelines

· Conventions

· Class Design guidelines

· Exception Design guidelines

· Common Design Patterns

3. Robust Classes

· Properties

· Functions

· Delegates

· Events

· .Net Core and C# 9+ features

4. Generics

· Generic Classes

· Generic Functions

· Survey of Generics in the .Net Library

5. Lambda Expressions & LINQ

· Using lambdas to generate a delegate

· Introduction to Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

6. Reflection & Metadata

· Reflections basics

· Attributes

7. Resources & Globalization

8. Basics of Threading

· Creating Threads

· Coordinating threads

· Overview of the task parallel library

9. Basics of Entity Framework

· DbContext

· Code first vs Db first

· Entities

· Mapping


Students should have development skills at least equivalent to the following course(s) or should have attended one of these as a pre-requisite:

· TTCN20483 Programming in C# | Creating Apps in C# and .Net Core (5 days)